0 Products
Who is this for?
- Existing students of NUS with their own product-based business.
- Must have an existing Instagram business account.
Benefits of participating:
- Lower-than-average retail commission rates of 20% (based on selling prices after deducting for GST).
- Experience selling your products in retail stores. Display space provided for businesses to introduce their brands and founders.
- Brand awareness and publicity from traffic at our retail stores.
- Stand a chance to get featured at our roadshows.
- Stand a chance to demo and sell your products in-person at our retail stores.
- For suitable products, we may also list them on our online store.
*For new businesses starting out, SEM will be a good platform to test out the demand for your business ideas, as well as give you a chance to interact with customers and demo your products in-person at our retail stores.
Upfront Cost:
- None! We only take a commission for every sale made.
*Do take note we will not be liable in cases of pilferage.
Terms & Conditions:
- We will offer a 6-month period for the SEM programme, after which we will review the terms & conditions of the programme for extension.
- All proposals submitted will be evaluated by the NUS Co-op management team. Only shortlisted applicants will be notified for further discussion.
- Should participants decide to withdraw from the programme or in the event NUS Co-op decides to terminate the contract, 1-month notice period is required from the parties initiating termination.
- NUS Co-op reserves the right and discretion to make changes to the terms & conditions of the programme at any time.
For enquiries on NUS Co-op's SEM, please contact copcp1@partner.nus.edu.sg.